A close-up of a poker hand holding two cards, with stacks of chips and floating numbers representing poker odds calculations.

Recently, we ranked all hands in our poker hands cheat sheet. Armed with this understanding of how hands perform at showdown, we’re following up with this Texas Hold’em odds calculator cheat sheet. All the basic odds you need to calculate expected values (EVs) in poker hands on the fly are found below, along with explanations to make things clear for intermediate players. These odds are the underpinning not just of good strategy, but of profitable play over the long term.

Calculating odds of specific hands

Infographic showing Texas Hold'em hand odds, drawing probabilities, and pot odds to help players make better betting decisions.

Let’s first talk about the flop. Here are some basic odds to know:

  • Chance of flopping a pair when your hole cards are different: 29% (about 1 in 3).
  • Chance of flopping a set when you have a pocket pair: 11.8% (about 1 in 8).
  • Chance of flopping a straight with connectors: 1.3%.
  • Chance of flopping a flush with two suited cards: .8%.

The takeaway from these starting odds is that you will miss your pair, most of the time, but that pairs are still quite common. It points out the importance of having good starting hand standards. You’ll be making pairs a third of the time. You want them to be top pair, not bottom pair.

Keep in mind that these odds are highly relevant for common matchups like AK and KQ vs a smaller pocket pair. The opponent already has a pair, and you aren’t likely to flop one. Get used to making decisions when you miss the flop. That’s the most common scenario.

Another takeaway is that flopping monsters is a 1 in 100 situation. Don’t bank on that. You’ll generally need to hit some part of the flop and have some luck on the turn or river to make the top hands.

Now, let’s go forward a bit for the turn and river:

  • Chance of making a pair on turn or river: 12% (about 1 in 8)
  • Chance of making an open-ended straight by the river: 31.45% (about 1 in 3).
  • Chance of making gut shot straight by river: 16.5% (about 1 in 6).
  • Chance of making a flush by the river when you are 4 to the flush: 35% (about 1 in 3).

Chances have dropped a lot for that AK to pair up. It’s really a losing battle if you’re heading to a showdown. If you can’t bully a weak handout, be very careful about putting money in the pot. Strong starting hands like AK that don’t connect lead to very common leaks for intermediate players.

On the upside, flushes and open-ended straights will come in with a decent rate of frequency. You’ll see them completed in about a third of hands. This will make for easy math in this Texas Hold’em odds calculator cheat sheet when we discuss betting in a moment. Note: opponents have cards. If you think they’re drawing to a flush or straight, you may have to adjust your odds calculation. You are also blocking each other from making the hand. If multiple players are calling weakly in a board that is three to the flush, watch out. Everyone could be chasing the same hand, and you don’t want to be on the wrong end of it. If you make your flush, someone else may too. Ensure that you’re hitting a premium flush in those multiway pots, not a middle of the road one.

A hand picking up a poker chip from stacks of red, black, and white chips, set against a warm orange background.

Pot odds and implied odds

Pot odds are a critical part of understanding how to play a hand. Let’s say you’re four to a flush and someone is betting into you. When should you call? Well, you know that you’re going to make your hand around a third of the time, so you need a 1:3 payout at the very least. That is your breakeven calling amount. That is, if the pot is $150 and someone bets $50, you can call. You are betting $50 at that moment to potentially win $200. This means that the pot odds are 1 in 4, which is great. You make your hand 1 in 3 times. You’re covered.

If the opponent had bet $150 (a pot-sized bet), you’d be above the breakeven calling amount. You’d be asked to call $150 to win $300. This is a 1:2 payout. Not great. In the long run, making this call loses you money, because you’re only completing your flush one third of the time. This, of course, doesn’t take into account being able to bluff an opponent or making other hands (e.g. two pairs on the runner-runner turn and river).

This is why so many guides advise you to bet a pot-sized amount with your top pair to protect against flush draws. You want to make the pot odds unfavorable for the opponents on draws. You are trying to induce your opponent to make a mistake and overpay for their draw. You’re always happy to have them make this bad call. It’s a negative EV move for them and a positive EV move for you. That said, if the third flush card (known as a “scare card”) comes, you’ll have to deal with the change in the dynamic of the hand. Consider slowing down by making smaller bets, checking, and fearing the check raise.

Implied odds

No Texas Hold’em odds calculator cheat sheet is complete without introducing the idea of implied odds. In fact, this can be even more important than understanding the odds of making your hand.

To get a feel for implied odds, you have to consider what happens next in the hand as it plays out. Will your opponent pay you off? Will they fear the scare card and shut down? With aggressive opponents, you can expect that they will keep up the action. They may be comfortable making and calling raises. This is how you can really make some money with that flush or straight.

If, on the other hand, your opponent is passive and cautious, you are not as excited to make your hand. The opponent is not going to give you a ton of money, which diminishes the appeal of hitting your draw. What’s the takeaway? Be willing to call a bigger bet and accept worse pot odds against players that are splashy – the implied odds are more favorable than they look. For stingy players, you’re not going to pay high prices to chase draws that won’t lead to big paydays in the end.

A mobile poker game displayed on a phone screen, next to a Texas Hold’em odds cheat sheet with pre-flop probabilities and strategy.

Refer back when you need

Use this Texas Hold’em odds calculator cheat sheet in real time in your hands at our poker tables, if needed. Soon, you’ll have these poker hand odds memorized and you’ll be able to calculate the math on the fly. Remember: 1 in 3 pot odds is a green light on the flop to chase draws. Pot-sized bets are yellow or red. Also, don’t forget to take into account the money other players will put in, or the money they may raise behind you if you are out of position and getting hamstrung between more aggressive players.